The Eco-Friendly SkyCafe

August 12, 2013

Skycafe with Cardinals

The SkyCafe & Mandarin Bird Feeders are known for their beauty, large capacity, and their patented squirrel-proof design, but one feature that many don’t realize is that it’s an eco-friendly bird feeder.  These squirrel proof bird feeders are made in the USA, from 100% recycled plexiglas.

Here at Arundale Products, we strive to be green where ever possible.   We have a recycling bin at every desk, an earth friendly cartridgeless office laser printer, and we’re even in the beginning stages of transitioning all our retail & wholesale ordering to become 100% online (still have a long ways to go on that, but one day we’ll get there).   It was our decision to shift all our SkyCafe & Mandarin bird feeders, along with our squirrel-proof baffles and transparent birdbaths to 2nd generation plexiglas that truely set a new standard for our company.

Skycafe Baffle being created

Plexiglas, like all plastics, can’t be recycled.

Incorrect, the process to recycle plexiglas does exist and this 2nd generation material is equally useable.

But doesn’t plexiglas turn yellow?

Never.  Plexiglas & recycled (2nd generation) plexiglas remains clear.  The myth about yellowing is believed to have been started because back in the 50’s & 60’s clear styrene was sold as a plexiglas look-alike, that alternative material did yellow very quickly.   Arundale is an American family business, we take pride in our feeders and we do not substitute with lesser mock materials.

Plexiglas & 2nd generation Plexiglas are able to withstand the effects of weather, sun, and a wide range of outdoor temperatures.  This permanence derives from the acrylic resin’s inherent stability.

New SkyCafe Baffle

Doesn’t Plexiglas scratch?  

It does. It can also be re-polished rather easily.

Isn’t 2nd generation plexiglas less resilient to a fall?

Unfortunately, Yes.  The original SkyCafe’s & Mandarin bird feeders were produced with virgin resin and if knocked out of a tree onto concrete, they would bounce.   We were aware of the structural change to our product, but we decided it’s a small price to pay for being green and making any effort we can to help keep plexiglas out of the landfills.

To compensate for the risk of breakage we adjusted our company replacement policy to be more neighborly when it comes to breakage.  We have a 100% squirrel damage warranty and we’re very accommodating when working together with retail stores, and helping keep customers happy.

Squirrel proof baffles

We also have added several clever squirrel chewing detouring tips on each feeder instruction sheet included with all our feeders and we strongly advise our customers to use the chain provided with the feeder.  If an extension is needed, DO NOT use rope, squirrels eat through that like candy; add more chain or metal cable instead.

If you would like to purchase your own Eco-Friendly SkyCafe or Mandarin Bird Feeder check out

If you are a wholesale customer interested in increasing your Earth-Considerate bird feeder line, go to